current dog walking access in smc parks: Devil's Slide Trail, Pillar Point Bluff, Quarry Park, Mirada Surf County Park, and segments of the Coastal Trail and Bay Trail.
8% Trails Access is Doggone Wrong
Currently, people with dogs are only allowed on 8% of San Mateo County Park trails (14 out of 190 miles of trails). Meanwhile, other users like horseback riders have 90% access. These archaic policies date back nearly 80 years to when most of San Mateo County was agricultural land.
The San Mateo County Parks Department and Board of Supervisors is currently deciding if recreational dog walking access should be increased in county parks, and if they should designate some legal off-leash trails (as provided in every other Bay Area county). Their answer should be YES!
If we want fair access, NOW is the time for dog owners to band together and speak up for dog walking in San Mateo County Parks.