Help Save Dog Walking Recreation at Sweeney Ridge!
Straddling the mountainous ridge between Pacifica and San Bruno, Sweeney Ridge offers hikers sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding landscape. When combined with the area's unique history of Spanish exploration, the Cold War, and community activism, the Sweeney Ridge experience is truly unique. For decades, Bay Area residents have been able to hike Sweeney Ridge with their dogs. If the National Park Service gets their way, on-leash dog walking will banned from 65% of trails at Sweeney Ridge starting in late 2016. Access to Sweeney Ridge from Pacifica would be lost completely for people with dogs. Pacifica and other coastside residents who have enjoyed dog walking on Sweeney Ridge from Pacifica's Shelldance Nursery, Cattle Hill, and Fassler gate, would have to drive to the San Bruno trailhead under this plan. This is a 100% loss of recreational trails access from Pacifica. Anyone walking with more than three dogs would be banned from Sweeney Ridge.
Sweeney ridge - current dog walking trails
National park service - proposed changes to dog walking trails
(Dec. 2016 Final EIS)